
Top 6 Most Common Roof Problems That Home Owners Experience!

12/3/2019 | Posted by Mark Shehadeh | 0 comments

The roof makes one of the most importantparts of your home or property. This is the part that directly defends youagainst harmful environmental and climatic elements. Your roofing system shouldtherefore be designed to last long and keep your valuables safe and protected. However,depending on the type of roof you have installed and the conditions in yourlocation, it is not uncommon to face several roof issues some of which requireprofessional repairs or even call for roof replacements.


In this article, you will find out the mostcommon roof problems that homeowners can experience, as well as the conditionswhich could either be a cause or a result of premature failure and low-sloperoofing. Such problems will reduce the service life of a roof which is meant tolast longer and protect your house. At one point or another, your roofingsystem is bound to get some damage over time. Noticeable or not, these roofingproblems are definitely a headache and will mean you'll have to spend a fortuneagain. Below are the most common roof issues you might face.


1. ShingleDamage: It can happen anytime cause of UV rays,wind and rain. Warped shingles, missing or broken shingles will necessitateroof repairs you should do or you can ask your roofing contractor for thesolutions that you need for this.


2. RoofLeaks and Weather-caused Problems: This is one ofthe most common problems that you can experience. No matter what type of roofyou have installed, when roof leaks are present, there is definitely a problem.There can be many reasons of Roof leaks e.g. some details not done properlyduring installation, or moisture barriers not properly installed. Head laps andbackwater laps, when inadequately placed during installation, could be a causefor moisture infiltration. It will then result to leaks and blisters andsubsequently, roof failure. Leaks can also be due to poor seams installed insingle-plied membrane roofs. Intense weather events also lead to roofingproblems. Snow, ice, rains, and even running water have adverse effects on yourguttering system.


3.Other problems resulting from poorly installed flashing: If flash installed poorly then it can be a big cause of leaks.Improperly installed flashing can also result to blow-offs and many otherroofing issues. When your roof's flashing is not installed well, it may lead toopen seams and laps. Also, when the number of fasteners used in the base isinadequate, it may also result in such problems. Wind resistance is also reduced if the seams are not properlydone, especially for cold-applied roofing systems which need to be cured firstbefore they are even exposed to wind and rain. Moisture can infiltrate in yourroof when it is not yet properly cured, or the wind uplift may damage themembrane.


4. PoorRoof Installation: The installation of the roof isone big factor of its longevity of use. When it is installed poorly, roofdamages are more likely to happen, and the roof life is reduced greatly. Thereare a series of steps which are to be followed before even starting to do aroof job, and when these are not done well, it may be a cause for problemslater on. There are some areas in your roof which are a bit hard to be walkedupon, so these are often overlooked. But these are very important and should beclean, dry, and should be primed properly before installation. Roof installersshould also relax the roof sheets first before installing. Materials should beprepared properly to ensure a quality installation. Be sure that your hiredroofers are knowledgeable of their job to avoid any faulty installation.


5.Lack of Maintenance: Roofing systems should alwaysbe maintained regularly. But due to time constraints, and many other reasonsespecially financial issues and business continuity, the maintenance of yourroof might be neglected completely. You should always perform regularinspections and you just have to know the obvious signs which could be a signof a roofing problem. Water stains, small pools of water, torn off pieces ofshingles and bases, or unfilled pitch pockets may be understood immediately byan educated homeowner. The key to maximizing your roof life is to detect smallproblems earlier and prevent it from worsening


6.Improper Repairs: When homeowners try to fixproblems on their own, or when your hired roofer is using sub-par materials andthose not intended for specific roof types, it could result in a permanentdamage to your roof. Small problems will get worse because of improper repairs.


So, when you detect any roofing problem,the best thing to do is to contact your roofer and let them assess thesituation. The repair products to be used should be in line with themanufacturer's instructions to ensure proper use.


TheBottom Line:

Quality installation, regular maintenance,early problem detection, and proper knowledge of homeowners may affect the rooflife positively. While the roof ages, it is more likely to experience problems.Proper addressing of these problems will be the key to ensuring your roofsystem's state. And this is only possible if you get in touch with the expertroofers in your local area such as BuildMasters LC roofingcompany.


We are experienced and qualified to handleall kinds of roofing needs. Build Masterwill not only offer you professional roof installation, but also repairs,replacements, cleaning and maintenance. For any query or concern regarding yourroof, you can call us 561-757-6587 or 954-333-8512

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